The Electrical Practitioners shall uphold and advance the integrity, honor, and dignity of the engineering profession by:
a. Using his knowledge and skills for the enhancement of human welfare;
b. Being honest and impartial, and serving with fidelity the public, his employers, employees, and clients; and
c. Striving to increase the competence and prestige of the engineering profession.

We, members of the Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers of the Philippines, Inc. (IIEE), in recognition of the constant involvement of technology, in uplifting the quality of life, and in accepting a personal obligation and dedication to our profession, its members, and the communities we serve, do hereby pledge and commit ourselves to the highest ethical and professional conduct, and agree to:
1. Accept responsibility in making sound engineering decisions consistent with the safety, health, and welfare of the public, and to disclose promptly the factors that might endangers lives and the environment;
2. Avoid real or perceived conflict of interest or disclose existence of such to affected parties;
3. Be honest, objective, impartial and realistic in stating claims or estimates based on available facts;
4. Avoid at all cost graft and corruption in all its forms;
5. Improve the ethical understanding of technology and its appropriate application;
6. Continuously improve practitioner's technical competence;
7. Disclose full pertinent professional and technical limitations
8. Seek, accept, and offer constructive criticism of technical work, acknowledge and mitigate errors, and give credit where it is due;
9. Equally treat all persons regardless of race, gender, physical condition, age, or national origin;
10. Protect and avoid injury to other's life, property, reputation, or livelihood by false or malicious actions;
11. Observe utmost transparency, responsibility, due diligence and fairness, and accordingly, not manufacture, spread or disseminate false, incorrect, unverified or misleading information or data against any co-member or the IIEE, its officers, employees and representatives or agents, in any form whatsoever, whether verbally, in writing or published or whether through electronics means or otherwise, especially if such tends to discredit, besmirch the honor or integrity or impute a wrongdoing on the part, of a co-member of the IIEE, its officers, employees and representatives or agents;
12. Support colleagues and co-workers in their professional and technical development and assist them in complying with this Code of Ethics;
13. Timely and fully comply and abide with any and all of his obligations to a co-member of the IIEE, the IIEE itself or any third party; and
14. Does not engage in or commit anti-competitive, fraudulent, and deceitful practices in any form, and uphold free and fair competition